My early research was on the effect of volcanic eruptions on climate during the last 400 years. I investigated the impact of explosive eruptions, such as Tambora in 1815, in general circulation models as examples of extreme external forcing.
Since then, I’ve been working more on the evolution of Arctic and high- to mid-latitude climates over the last 150 years. I combine in-situ, proxy, reanalysis and model data to try to untangle puzzling features and questions. I focus especially on the changing cryosphere and its impact on atmospheric circulation patterns. This includes analysing processes ranging from daily to decadal, and from regional to hemispheric resolution. Recently, I shifted my focus a little bit to seasonal prediction, combining my background of teleconnections, climate forcings and cryosphere-atmosphere feedbacks.
After working for the WMO to coordinate weather and climate research projects and succesfully applying to a high-risk, high-reward Swiss National Science Foundation research grant, I worked as data scientist at EPFL Lausanne, combining interdisciplinary, high-frequency environmental data with machine learning. Right now I am supporting scientists in best-practice open science data management while still doing part-time research.
Besides these scientific foci, I am highly interested in graphic and communication design. In some instances I am able to combine this interest with professional matters, such as talks, posters or figures. I often wonder about how to deliver (my) messages visually, dwelve into graphic design magazines and look out for new font types or color palettes.
Wegmann, M.,
Wiersma, P., Bouffard, D., Pasche-Tofield, N., Runnalls, J. &
Mariethoz, G. (2025). Filling gaps in high-resolution limnological time
series: Applying QuickSampling to LéXPLORE data.
In Preparation: Earth System Science Data
Burgdorf, A., Wegmann,
M., Broennimann, S. & Orsolini, Y. (2025). A
175-year perspective of interannual variability of the Indian summer
monsoon onset in Mumbai and its drivers.
In Preparation: Climate of the Past
Wegmann, M.
& Broennimann, S. (2024). The potential of low-complexity
data-driven seasonal climate prediction learned from Single Model
Initial-condition Large Ensembles.
Submitted: Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography
Dufour, A., Wegmann,
M., Zolina, O. & Gulev, S. (2023). Evidence of water
cycle intensification over Siberia from a joint analysis of moisture
transport and land hydrology.
In Review: Environmental Research Letters
This is an incomplete list of posters and presentations that I have created over time.
Fig. 3: Location of co-authors based on institute affiliation at time of publication.
Scaling with amount of co-authors per city. One co-author can have multiple affiliations.Digital versions of news articles about my work:
German: Warum die Erderwaermung schon jetzt fuer kaeltere Winter sorgt
German: Starke Gletscherschmelze belegt veraenderte Windstroemung in der Arktis
Outreach activities I am involved in:
Outreach activities I was involved in:
For my publication and metrics, visit my Google Scholar profile and follow me for further updates:
My current Kardashian index is 0.7. Fortunately, I am not a Science Kardashian…
I am sharing my personal photos for geoscience communication on IMAGGEO
My email address at my current employer is:
martin.wegmann @
Updated on 2024-11-13